About Us

PLOp was formed in 2013 by chartered architect Patrick & Lirong with the aim to
infuse joy into our daily experiences through creative Architecture & Interiors.
We engage with users to rediscover their dreams.
We draw inspirations from our natural surroundings to inform our design.
We craft emotive, meaningful and thoughtful spaces by exploring the qualities of light, flow and form with nature.
We create sustainable homes that seek to enhance our connections with people and the world around us.

Patrick is a London trained architect experienced across an extensive range of disciplines. He has designed, led and completed award-winning schemes for international art galleries, office buildings and research facilities. Having decided on private practice, he has undertaken a variety of residential and commercial projects, focusing mainly on London refurbishments and working in conservation areas, creating community buildings, and establishing newbuild residential estates. Whether a 49-key hotel, the exquisite crafting of a fully bespoke fit out for a Mayfair townhouse, or a neighbour’s loft extension for their teenager, Patrick has established a track record of delivering buildings that work for its owners and feel right for the environment.

Patrick Ng

Managing Director

BArch (Hons), AA Dip, ARB, RIBA

Lirong is a curious person who enjoys exploring ideas and the making of things. She is an architectural and interiors designer who finds inspiration everywhere – in the Big and the Small, in the Old and the New, in Nature, in Art, in Music, and in Ideas. Lirong has had extensive experience working on high-spec residences, corporate headquarters, masterplanning projects, and prizewinning urban regeneration schemes in Central London. Nowadays, Lirong is fascinated with how we all have a story to tell. The telling of these stories through the way we live, and the places we spend most of our time in. Lirong loves being a part of helping tell these stories by creating places that make us feel happy, loved, and purposeful.

Lirong Soon

Design Director

BArch (Hons); MArch; MScUD (Distinction)

Our Approach

We take great pride in a tailored and personal approach to each project.
Central to our process is our in-depth understanding of our clients’ aspirations, and the context of their projects.
We work closely with our clients to develop a clear and concise brief that unlocks the potentials of their buildings and sites.
This Brief is then developed into a comprehensive set of information to secure all necessary consents.
Further details are then developed to ensure our designs are executed to perfection.
Our goal is to express beauty, flow, light and space through thoughtful design; and realising the design through precise management.

Learn more about our process >

Our promise

Regardless of your project type, size and budget, we will able to provide a bespoke service covering all your needs.
We will manage everything from the planning application (we have 100% success rate in our applications) to the day you move in, accompanying you every step of the way, being clear about the risks & constraints that you may encounter in planning, construction, dealing with neighbours, etc. but always finding ways to meet your aspirations whilst reducing the stress levels for you.

Book a free consultation and you can decide if we are the right architectural practice for you.


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